What Do You Do At Piano Camp?

If you’re curious about what you might expect at Piano Camp, here is a good taste. This is a clip from our Piano Party. Two teams raced to fill up four measures using water balloons. At Piano Camp we play games that reinforce what you are learning in your private lessons, but mostly, it’s summer. It’s time to play and remember how much fun music can be. In a group setting, and especially with friends, it is easier to understand how everything fits together in music. There is A LOT to remember, especially when you’re just starting to learn piano. There will be puzzles, relay races, card games and physical challenges that will teach different theory concepts. Being a good musician also means that you are able to listen and work together with others to create a good performance. At Piano Camp this year we will be playing with Rhythm cups.  https://youtu.be/1Zjemugba1w

We will also be combining forces to learn a group piece and learning a dance to “Trashin the Camp” to help learn musical form. During snack time we will enjoy a story about a composer. There are two spots left for Piano Camp in July (11-13) and June (20-22) is still open. In September we will have a backyard Summer Show to share everything we’ve been working on. As my studio grows I will plan camps for more advanced levels.


I am very excited and a little bit nervous to see how this summer goes. Usually I don’t teach in the summer because Flagstaff gets so few warm days that they are better spent outside. Now that we’ve moved to Mesa I have discovered that with a little bit of planning, summer lessons could turn into great musical experiences that we normally don’t have time for during the busy school year. Piano Camp reinforces all of the things a beginning student is trying to assimilate, but with friends and games. Me Time explores composing or how to play the latest popular song. An Organ class or lessons focuses on learning to play the hymns so that you can find joy in using your talent to serve others. And my personal favorite–Partner lessons to learn a fun duet with a friend.

If you haven’t already checked out the scheduling feature of this website wander over there. You can sign up for as much or as little as you want–when you want. The beauty of this, when it comes to summer and learning, is that it works around vacations and other summer plans. You’ll come for lessons when you’ve had time to prepare for them. This makes Mom and Dad happy and you’ll get so much more out of it.

Happy Summer!


IMG_1726This Friday at 5 we’re having a Piano Party! This is our end of the year performance that celebrates the fact that you can play the piano and it’s a blast. May is too crazy with all of the end-of-school activities and we need some time to enjoy all of our hard work before that hits. Students get to wear whatever they want and we get very creative in how they want to perform their pieces. Sometimes we use our music, sometimes we don’t. Aside from the performances, we’re having a Rhythm Mingle mixer and a Notation Relay complete with water balloons! Plan to get involved =D If you’re thinking about starting lessons with me or just want to get a little taste of what Piano Camp might be like please join us.




I am so glad you found me! Welcome to Piano by Nan! We moved to Mesa about a year ago for my husband to take a position managing a law firm in Tempe called Davis Miles McGuire Gardner. I have needed some time to get settled and rethink where I want to go with my teaching. This website is the result of that and the talents of our daughter, *Kristin Call. I love how well she has organized everything so that I can channel my energy into teaching. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer and I look forward to meeting you.


*Kristin is the creator of personalprogressbinder.com and kernandflourish.com