Pay off day today!  Oh, what a talented bunch!  Our Fall recital got postponed until today because of a sweet new grandson who decided to come a month early.  The extra time to prepare really paid off though.  All of their pieces were memorized and allowed them to really think how they wanted it to sound. It is such a thrill for me to see them be in control enough of themselves to put all of the elements together that make a great performance. It was fun to play on a grand piano that was so responsive to their dynamics.  Some of the students played their pieces on one of our new keyboards.  Adding different voices and accompaniment tracks really added to their performances today.

The highlight–or relief–for me today was enjoying a group performance of MobBop.  All four boys learned this piece and played it together at the same time.  They set their keyboards with different instruments so you could hear who was who—very challenging, but oh so fun! It is one thing to learn and perform a piece, but a new skill all together to be able to listen and stay with the group.  They did an excellent job.